Council are bringing a regional sporting venue to Westleigh, when fully developed there will be three platforms with sporting fields for Football, AFL, Cricket, Rugby and an Athletics field.
Category: News

The survival of the Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest depends on all of us. Yet Hornsby Shire Council is not listening to its own advice.
What’s this all about?

Hornsby Shire Council purchased a block of land from Sydney Water in June 2016 to cater for the needs of the whole community. Very quickly their staff realised that there was a high diversity of species present (244) in the bushland part of the Westleigh site including five vegetation communities, two threatened ecological communities, 4 species of threatened flora, 11 species of native orchids and 50 species of birds observed on the site. Their internal reports detailed the conservation significance of the flora and fauna.
Hornsby Shire Council is proposing a synthetic sports field at Westleigh Park. Save Westleigh Park does not support the use of synthetic turf in an environmentally sensitive area. Furthermore, the playing fields must be able to be used by as wide a range of people and sports as possible.
Westleigh Park Consultation Outcome
The Hornsby Shire Council has released the report on the outcome of the latest round of workshops to co-design mountain bike tracks through the Critically Endangered Ecological Community (Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest) and the Endangered Ecological Community (Duffys Forest.)
Each side have their own ideology and it is this ideology that feeds their position.
Westleigh Park Bushland

We need to protect our remaining bushland in Sydney before it is lost to future generations. Westleigh Park bushland is incredibly special, it contains critically endangered and endangered ecological communities as well as threatened species of flora and fauna. It has an intrinsic value not only for the local community but also at a State and National level.